Welcome to the Storm Lake Downtown Facade Blog! This blog will keep the downtown business owners and citizens of Storm Lake up to date on the progress of this newest project in The City Beautiful.
To bring everyone up to speed so far on what the City has done to get involved in this project here is a little recap. About one year ago, City Staff was informed of the Downtown Facade Revitalization Grant and started assembling an application. This included going around to downtown business owners to find buildings that would like to participate in the facade project. The grant application was sent in back in January 2013 and the City was officially notified in August that the Storm Lake Downtown was one of thirteen projects that would be funded!
The City found two great groups to help provide the experience needed to get this great project for our downtown rolling! The City is contracting with Simmering-Cory Inc. from Clear Lake, Iowa to help with the administration of this grant. Simmering-Cory brings a lot of experience to this project from administrating projects for previously awarded communities including: Colfax, Conrad, and Red Oak.
To help design the improvements for the front facades, RDG Planning & Design out of Des Moines was brought into the project. RDG also has a lot of downtown facade revitalization experience working with this grant and others in communities like: Des Moines, Belle Plaine, Colfax, Conrad, Manning, and Grinnell. Architects from RDG were in Storm Lake on November 6th to meet with building owners to discuss the some of the proposed changes to the different downtown buildings.
Keep checking this blog for more updates and information on the Storm Lake Downtown Facade Project!